Monday, 7 July 2008

ok .. hello people!!.. ok ok ..practically jus back frm vivo city..
today lyk i say.. not much.. every appointment was cancled.. lol!..
@ 4pm .. went vivocity with parents.. around 5pm rched vivo .. had early dinner coz ... nv ate lunch ... after lunch .. went to challenger ..look look see see..
after that went to giant .. and headed back to car ..
dad after that drove us up to mount faber..
looking at those sceneries.. was totally beatifully!!..hahahs.. after that went to the new bridge that link to mount faber and telok blanghar.. lols.. the bridge was freaking HIGH!.. about 15~20 stories.. ppl , if u wan committe suicide go there .. 100% garentee
+ chop chop die .. lols.. jkjkjk !!.. every one's life is precious..!! live on!!
okok back to topic.. it was freaking high..!
after that walked back to dad's car.. and headed home!..

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