Friday, 15 August 2008

hahhas.. i am back to blogging..
firstly .. happy birthday to SINGAPORE
well today had lessons.. chem.. followed by chinese.. got test.. it was hard..
den was recess.. poor Damien, got birthday bashed.. kenna throwed by EGGS! and water... poor him!.. hahahs.. bt after all it was FUN. hahhas..
had maths.. it was total fun .. debating abt the maths solutions.. hahahs!(argue)
after that.. had english .. some of classmates did presentation on report writting..

after that .. school release.. went for chinese enrichment.. we talk talk talk and played in the classroom talking rubbish .. HAHAHAHS!
after that.. we had DRAGON BOATING!. now comes the FUN PART.. HAHAHS!..
we reached @ changi briefing, safty briefing.. den ltr i entered the waters!>. water confidence.. also testing on our life vest.. some how..
had dragon boating!!.. and guess wad! our boat nearly capsized!.. and water keep on flowing in to my side as the tides are high on my side...
had hard time scopping up the water.. den yet,. next batch of huge flow in again!! ARGHH!!..
den we had a mini race !! woo .. although we lose bt nvm .. wad we hav was FUN EXPERIENCE!!after that...
we had wash up .. bathed in the toliet.. and trapped patrick sir indie the bathing side and spray water at himm>. LOL!.. was realli fun lar.

soon everything ended.. we headed up the bus.. den uopn exiting the gate.. the other bus got "accident" with a bicycle.. BUT IT WAS NOT.. it was the bloody cyclist at fault.. the sign says dismount and push .. yet she speed @ the road.. den saw the bus come out den fell down whole place jammed for lyk about 10mins-15mins.... ..LOL.. the cyclist siiao one ar?..

den headed back to school.. packed everything and home sweet home..
and i got into the family tree with eileen they all come out with .. LOLS>. and i am yee zheng's bro.. LOLS
meaning shu hao's son LOL!.. hahahs,.
diiao.. bt can think its fun..
ok .. ending here.. watching Olympics..

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